Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Pet Portraits!

These are my two most recent pet portrait commissions!



Two A4 acrylic canvases, strung and ready for hanging.

Face Painting!

Earlier this year I was asked to assist with a public event, face painting in
St Ives on Holt Island for 'Batty About Bats' day!
A day to highlight the conservation of our lovely little winged mammals!

When I was a child and teenager, I used to help my mother face painting at
school fetes - mainly because I am and always have been, an artist,
and she would send all the bespoke requests my way!
So, when I was asked to do the Batty About Bats face painting,
complete with my CRB check and insurance already set up -
I was very happy to take the opportunity, and it reminded me
of just how much I enjoy face painting.

Since then I have painted faces for events at
The Seven Wives Pub in St Ives - with fantastic feedback and results.

I never originally thought this would be a viable addition to my
Murals and Graphics Work, however, I love painting, I love children and
it is a very sociable part of my job that I didn't predict but absolutely love!
And people are happy to pay for my skills, for which I am grateful
and excited about and look forward to more parties and events!

For the full gallery so far, please see below.

Vicki's Murals and Graphics has written permission to take pictures of those
featured in the photographs and to use for marketing purposes.

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Donning the Teaching Hat

Good Morning.
Today is a Sunday and I am feeling excited about the coming week for a few reasons.
I had a little while when I was wondering if it was going to be a bit quiet.
had one project to work on and another that is still in progress.
Then a trio of jobs all came knocking about the same time.
And I am really excited to tell you about them, although obviously I can't go into too much detail until the artwork is done and received.
However, I have another pet portrait, this time it is equine - which, I am so pumped about - I love love LOVE to paint horses, they're just so regal, elegant and strong. Then I had an order for some graphic design work - that's all I'll say about that one for now, as I don't want to spoil the surprise.
And finally, I'm going to be starting my first lesson in a course, with one to one tuition, teaching a student painting and drawing techniques, and passing on my knowledge and hopefully helping my student to build confidence in their passion for art.

I feel honoured and excited to be asked to take on a student. I have previously taken classes and workshops, so a single student for a number of hours, I feel very confident we will achieve and have fun in doing so.

Have a happy May bank holiday :)

Monday, 20 February 2017

Monday Morning Reflection

Good morning all.
I love Mondays. I know generally Mondays are THE worst day of the week,
and if you dare bounce about declaring your love for then,
then a slap across the cheek is to be expected.

However, I hope you will be kind enough to hear me out and understand why I love Mondays.
It's not because it's another weekend day for me - far from it.
Setting up a freelancing business is NO mean feat at all.
There's an inordinate amount of things to think about, to plan, to act on,
and trying to work out the priority of each thing, is a challenge all on it's own.
But, my brain has never felt so alive. Taking this leap has allowed me to open
up my mind, get into researching, and taking on client briefs.
In many ways it feels like I'm studying again, only this time,
each client is different (and paying), and they're not a selection of tutors,
so if anything, there's even more uncertainty to it and more riding on each project.

Every freelancing day is different. Today I have three things, the main priority today is to continue with the mural project I'm working on. Today the animals will be started.
I have a fair bit of finishing required for the unit, so I will be doing little bits of that morning and evening (as the majority of today I will be out working on site).
And tonight I have a client dropping by to collect the family portrait I have painted.

I honestly can't begin to explain just how thrilled I am to be taking commissions,
to have people putting their trust into my work.

To anybody who would consider doing the same, my advice would be, proceed with caution. Build up a bit whist you are in full time work, otherwise how can you know that people know you and are willing to buy from you? I have been working towards this over a number of years (possibly even my whole life, if I honestly think back to my education years). Fingers crossed this is the beginning of more and more great things.
But who knows? No chicken's are being counted here.
I focus on each and every project that comes in, and thank each client
as I go along and look forward to each and every freelancing day,
curious as to the changes and developments each one brings.

Don't take for granted the motivation and the work ethic all freelancers
put in though, self-discipline, turning to others with questions, 
learning as you go along, is all apart of the process. 
Nobody is born with knowledge beamed into their head from nowhere.
Ask questions, accept answers, even if they're not what you expected or wanted to hear.

One of the differences also, is that I rarely allow my mind to switch off, it's always thinking and planning.
As a person, over the years I have learnt the ability to switch off from work
and not bring it home with me - leave projects, stress etc all behind when I walk
out that door. And actually that mechanism is extremely useful and helpful.
So when it comes to evenings and weekends,
I can pick and choose when to focus on leisure and when to focus on work.
However, Vicki's Murals and Graphics does feel like time for myself,
so the lines happily merge and when I am thinking and planning new projects,
or sourcing materials etc, it doesn't feel like work.

I very much look forward to the future and the development of the business.
If you are a freelancer, and would like to ask me for advice,
why not message me on facebook or instagram.
Equally if you're a potential client, feel free to make contact - I don't bite,
if you aren't 100% certain about what you want etc, I can hone your thoughts with questions for you to answer, and I enjoy working with clients to make sure
what I'm producing is exactly what you want.

Every month I shall be putting together a newsletter to showcase projects etc that I have done, if you are interested in receiving on, then please send me an email and I shall include you on the mailing list.

Peace out, and happy Monday x X x

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Testimonial, Painting and Paint!!

Hello! I have been a little neglectful of my blog of late.
But that's no bad thing - because I've been busy with projects! Which is just wonderful.

Firstly I would like to show you the testimonial that I received this morning,
always love to hear feedback from customers :)

'Vicki painted a special picture of his dogs playing in our garden for my husband's
50th birthday, which she created from a couple of photos I gave her.
The painting is very beautiful and my husband was delighted with his
surprise present for his big day.
Many thanks Vicki, for providing a brilliant service and a top quality painting!
Kind regards, Jenny Gray'

Jenny Gray, co-owner of Purple Holly.

Also, I have been working on a large unit - upcycling it for a customer.
Originally I bought the item for myself, but she said it was EXACTLY what she was
looking for, and wanted me to upcycle it to make it special,
and give it that bespoke edge. How could I refuse?

Upcycling for clients is another part of my business that I would love to grow,
and look forward to taking on future projects.

I have also been painting portraits for people.
Please see two greyhound portraits 'Sam' and 'Boss':

I am also very pleased to say that I have a couple more in store for you.
A family portrait painting and a couples portrait.
I am just waiting to hear back from my customers before
uploading those for you all to see.
Patience is a virtue :)

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Secret Time

Sorry I haven't posted for a little while, but the work I am working on is secret and I won't be able to show it until it is complete and with the clients.

But what I can tell you, is that things are going fantastically well, I am looking forward to the future projects that are beginning to drop into my inbox.

I am also very excited to have my beautiful new uniform, displaying my logo, and I feel very invigorated and lucky to be able to give my business a shot.

Future things I need to think on are: website, leaflets and brochures... these are currently in development, however I am waiting to have my current projects complete so I can show these on the new marketing material.

Sorry this is only typing today...
rest assured there will be pretty pictures to see in not too long!

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

St Ives NOW!

Good morning!

Hopefully you have all received your St Ives NOW! magazines through your doors
(those who live in the local St Ives area of course!)

My advert has been published, to not only let people know what I'm doing,
but also to attract new orders, as i have an amazing deal running up until
Mothering Sunday (26th March 2017) of a third off your order! Plus an extra 10%
when you're a new customer, so please snap up this offer - it is open to absolutely
everybody, and is not JUST for mother's day orders! If you place your order now,
but don't actually need it until December - no problem! ANY order, whenever it's needed,
placed before the 26th March will have the 30% + 10% discount honoured.

So get your orders in!

There is also a lovely introductory write up on page ten of the magazine about me:
'Victoria Clark is a talented artist and illustrator who has now
launched her own creative business.
Vicki can offer anything from a small sketch of your beloved pet 
up to a huge statement piece for your home, business reception area,
party, wedding or corporate event.
Contemporary and modern, or more traditional, Vicki has it all
 plus Graphic Design services.

07598 675 359'

Friday, 27 January 2017

Unique Unicorn

Tonight I 'unveil' my unicorn tattoo design to you.
I am very pleased with this ethereal design.
If you would like me to do a bespoke tattoo design for you,
please drop me an email.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Mural Development - Stage One Complete

First Sketch - pencil plan snippet of mural design
Mural design (snippet) worked up in pen and scanned in readiness for the projector.

Experiment with waterproof, hard wearing ink, primer, emulsion and glazing agent
to capture the 'painterly, watercolour-like' effect as requested by the client,
complete with 'loose black line - so it looks like your watercolour and ink work,
but make it work for the wall'

Consider it done!

Mural will be projected and drawn out tomorrow, in readiness for the paint and ink work.
Keep an eye out for updates.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Another Testimonial

Kind words from a friend a customer, who also was wonderful to work with.
(and actually makes and sells super pretty jewellery)

In case the text in the image is too small:
'I would just like to say how wonderful it was working with Vicky to get this marvellous painting of our dog. I think she has really captured him well and it is a beautiful painting! Furthermore the whole process was easy and enjoyable.
Vicky is very professional and very likeable too!
I would really recommend her to anyone!'
Barbara Brooks, St Ives

Glorious glassy day

Good morning!

It was an icy one first thing today, I always think that looks a bit like everything has a glassy finish to it outside.

Last night I set up my profile on Upwork:
Upwork Profile

There's still loads I can add to  it, and I will do in due course. I currently have 101 things to do, so I will revisit and enhance it as and when I can.

This morning however I have had some wonderful testimonials come through and I wanted to share them with you:
"Victoria drew me a lovely image for Christmas, it was an image of a lorry for my partner, Victoria was very understanding of what I was looking for and got it spot on!! She had never seen the lorry in real life only went off a picture that I had sent her! This lorry is my boyfriends pride and joy, he was over whelmed when he opened Christmas Day! She got every little detail on the drawing!! Would highly recommend!" - Melissa Underdown, Ramsey UK

"I was very impressed with the superhero mural Vicki did on my son's wall. I asked her to do a mural for my son's superhero room and the design was more than I could have imagined. Family and friends thinks it's impressive and my son loves it! I will definitely recommend - thank you so much x" - Sarah Green, St Ives, UK

I love getting feedback from customers. It's what makes this job - the happiness of my clients. It's great to know how you and your work are seen and reflected by others.

Later on today I will be posting offer leaflets up and around the local area.
So I imagine there will be a fair few windows involved there. A glassy day ahead.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Valentine's Canvas Competition - don't miss out!

Vicki's Murals and Graphics

First Post

Vicki's Murals and Graphics

Good morning and welcome to Vicki's Murals and Graphics.
I am excited to welcome you to the introduction of my company.

Vicki's Murals and Graphics, it is quite obvious what I do, right?
Wrong! Yes, I am a mural painter and a graphic designer...
but I can also offer so much more!

What can I do for you?
Pet Portraits
People Portraits
Character Illustrations
Children's Illustrations (ages 0-13)
Children's Book Writing (ages 5-10)
Murals - Residential, Private and Commercial
Large format printed artwork - Residential, Private and Commercial
Graphic Design - Logos and Branding

Why should you approach me?
Well, I am very friendly. I am very creative, I have a variety of experience from
previous job roles, including working on site at large events, being apart of the design team for large areas at high profile events, and being handed responsibility of
trend picking for the next product trends at fashion and trade fairs and then
leading a team to set up visual merchandising displays.
As well as designing creating hand-crafted items such as chandeliers and table in-lays.

I work strictly to deadlines and I always work to the very best finish.

I also have worked in Graphic Design roles, as well as being a
published Children's Book Illustrator and Author,
after completing my Masters Degree in 2010.

My email address is: muralsandgraphics@gmail.com
Please drop me an email, as I am able to accept bookings from February onwards.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.