Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Testimonial, Painting and Paint!!

Hello! I have been a little neglectful of my blog of late.
But that's no bad thing - because I've been busy with projects! Which is just wonderful.

Firstly I would like to show you the testimonial that I received this morning,
always love to hear feedback from customers :)

'Vicki painted a special picture of his dogs playing in our garden for my husband's
50th birthday, which she created from a couple of photos I gave her.
The painting is very beautiful and my husband was delighted with his
surprise present for his big day.
Many thanks Vicki, for providing a brilliant service and a top quality painting!
Kind regards, Jenny Gray'

Jenny Gray, co-owner of Purple Holly.

Also, I have been working on a large unit - upcycling it for a customer.
Originally I bought the item for myself, but she said it was EXACTLY what she was
looking for, and wanted me to upcycle it to make it special,
and give it that bespoke edge. How could I refuse?

Upcycling for clients is another part of my business that I would love to grow,
and look forward to taking on future projects.

I have also been painting portraits for people.
Please see two greyhound portraits 'Sam' and 'Boss':

I am also very pleased to say that I have a couple more in store for you.
A family portrait painting and a couples portrait.
I am just waiting to hear back from my customers before
uploading those for you all to see.
Patience is a virtue :)