Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Face Painting!

Earlier this year I was asked to assist with a public event, face painting in
St Ives on Holt Island for 'Batty About Bats' day!
A day to highlight the conservation of our lovely little winged mammals!

When I was a child and teenager, I used to help my mother face painting at
school fetes - mainly because I am and always have been, an artist,
and she would send all the bespoke requests my way!
So, when I was asked to do the Batty About Bats face painting,
complete with my CRB check and insurance already set up -
I was very happy to take the opportunity, and it reminded me
of just how much I enjoy face painting.

Since then I have painted faces for events at
The Seven Wives Pub in St Ives - with fantastic feedback and results.

I never originally thought this would be a viable addition to my
Murals and Graphics Work, however, I love painting, I love children and
it is a very sociable part of my job that I didn't predict but absolutely love!
And people are happy to pay for my skills, for which I am grateful
and excited about and look forward to more parties and events!

For the full gallery so far, please see below.

Vicki's Murals and Graphics has written permission to take pictures of those
featured in the photographs and to use for marketing purposes.

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